USA: (+1) 305 848 1909
COL: (+57) 312 545 5569
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Our Services
Restore Your Shape and Confidence with Body Lift Surgery in Colombia
A body lift in Cartagena, Colombia is designed to tighten the skin of a patient all the way around their body. Also known as a belt lipectomy, this procedure raises and reshapes unsightly, sagging body contours from both the front and back.
A body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity.
The lower body lift is the most common type of body lift in our practice. It typically includes a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), thigh lift and buttocks lift performed at the same time. The incision is concealed around the waistline so that it’s not visible when wearing underwear or a bikini.
If you’re looking for innovative and experienced body contouring surgeons, you’ve come to the right place. Our practice understands how to help our patients achieve their individual goals, and leave them feeling beautiful inside and out. Give us a call at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 848 1909 in United States, or request a consultation online to speak with one of our plastic surgeons at Premium Care.
Revel in the fullness of your transformative journey with Premium Care Plastic Surgery in Colombia. We understand the unique challenges faced after significant weight loss or lifestyle changes. Introducing our specialized Posterior Body Lift, a procedure meticulously designed to address excess skin and create a sculpted, harmonious silhouette. Trust our expert surgeons to elevate your transformation and unveil a renewed sense of confidence.
- Precision Sculpting for a Toned Backside: Our Posterior Body Lift procedures focus on sculpting and contouring the backside, addressing sagging skin and providing a more toned appearance. Experience the precision of our surgeons as they tailor the procedure to your individual anatomy, ensuring natural-looking and harmonious results.
- Comprehensive Transformation: Designed to complement your weight loss success, a Posterior Body Lift is a comprehensive solution that targets the lower back, buttocks, and upper thighs. This procedure enhances the overall aesthetic balance of your body, allowing you to fully enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
- Tailored Approach for Unique Bodies: At Premium Care, we recognize that each individual is unique. Our surgeons conduct thorough consultations to understand your goals, concerns, and specific needs. The Posterior Body Lift is then customized to address your unique anatomy, ensuring a personalized and transformative experience.
- State-of-the-Art Facilities: Premium Care Medical Suites is equipped with cutting-edge facilities that meet the highest international standards. Our commitment to safety and innovation ensures a secure and advanced environment for your Posterior Body Lift procedure.
- Board-Certified Surgeons with Expertise: Trust your transformation to our board-certified plastic surgeons, recognized for their expertise in body contouring procedures. With a focus on excellence, they bring skill, artistry, and experience to every Posterior Body Lift, delivering results that align with your vision.
Body Lift in Colombia videos

About Body Lift in Colombia
Patients who benefit from this surgery have typically lost a large amount of weight and have significant deformity from skin laxity. This procedure is designed to remove loose skin and related fat deposits to create a more pleasing contour. A body lift can be applied to the lower torso and upper legs including the abdomen, waist, inner/outer thighs, buttocks, and/or hips. Liposuction may also be completed in conjunction with a body lift. The improvements may be dramatic.
Body lift in Colombia following massive weight loss are an area of specialization at Premium Care Plastic Surgery. We perform major operations on weight loss patients to tighten loose skin and improve body contour, and have extensive experience in the best techniques and safety for these procedures.
A well-toned body with smooth contours is often a sign of fitness achieved by a healthy diet and regular exercise. But exercise cannot always achieve desired results for people who have loose, sagging skin and uneven contours. Aging, sun damage, pregnancy and significant fluctuations in weight as well as genetic factors may contribute to poor tissue elasticity and can result in sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and upper arms.
If you desire a firmer, more youthful-looking body contour, then a surgical body lift may help achieve your goals. It improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports the fat and skin.
Excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity. In addition, the procedure(s) can improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface, commonly known as cellulite.
- Abdominal area, locally or extending around the sides and into the lower back area
- Buttocks, that may be low, flat or shaped unevenly
- Groin that may sag into the inner thigh
- Thigh, including the inner, outer, or posterior thigh
- Reshape mid-body contour
- Correct sagging skin and fat due to aging or excessive weight loss
- Remedy weight gain and stretched skin caused by multiple pregnancies
Body lift in Colombia are not strictly intended for the removal of excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally conform to new body contours. In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a combination of liposuction and body lift techniques may be recommended.
At Premium Care Plastic Surgery in Colombia, our surgeons work together on body lift cases. Two surgeons operating with a specialized team make surgeries much more efficient. This decreases surgical time, discomfort, and complications after surgery, and improves results. This improved efficiency also makes it possible to perform multiple procedures during a short anesthetic time (less than 4 hours), allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of combination procedures without increased anesthetic risks associated with longer procedures. Our patients from Colombia and from abroad undergoing cosmetic surgery after major weight loss love this aspect of our service at Premium Care Plastic Surgery.
Having worked with hundreds of weight loss patients, we’ve done many body lifts. We use a variety of techniques, choosing the best approach for each patient’s particular needs. Body contouring is one of our specialties.
Consultation & Preparation
When you come to our Plastic Surgery Center in the heart of Bocagrande, Cartagena for your initial consultation, your surgeon will discuss with you the status of your body and your desires for improvement. Your surgeon will also assess your skin for elasticity, provide you with complete physical examination, and evaluate your past medical history. This process is essential for establishing you as a candidate for body lift surgery.
Your surgeon can recommend certain steps to help you achieve optimal health for your procedure. The Premium Care Plastic Surgery team will also coordinate with your medical doctors to define the steps necessary for you to obtain medical clearance for surgery. Our team also provides access to their specialists in nutrition and exercise physiology to optimize your chances for success, and for a healthy lifestyle and more beautiful you.
- Why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome
- Your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
- Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
- Previous surgeries
- Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, and tobacco
- Take photographs for your medical record
- Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment
- Discuss likely outcomes of liposuction and any risks or potential complication
Be sure to ask questions. It’s very important to ask your plastic surgeon questions about your body lift procedure. It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with your plastic surgeon at Premium Care. Our entire staff is here to support you through your journey to a new you.
For more information on body lift in Colombia, request a consultation online or call us at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 848 1909 in United States. Premium Care Plastic Surgery in Colombia is able to offer some of the best prices on cosmetic plastic surgery procedures available, and with world-class quality and an experience like no other.
Premium Care Plastic Surgery encourages you to take a few simple steps in preparation for your body lift procedure in Colombia. Following the steps presented below will make your recovery from surgery as safe, short and relaxing as possible.
Your surgeon will provide you with a list of specific steps you should take leading up to your procedure. This list might include limiting your use of certain medications, alcohol and cigarettes, and minor changes in your grooming habits. These changes are temporary but very important to your comfort and safety.
- Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
- Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
- Stop smoking well in advance of surgery
- Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding
- What to do on the day of surgery
- The use of anesthesia during your body lift
- Post-operative care and follow-up
- Medications and compression garments to purchase and bring with you on the day of surgery
Preparing your home before your procedure will help ensure a safe and relaxing recovery. If your procedure will impact your ability to stand or walk for long periods, or reach high places, you may want to prepare meals in advance and move kitchen items out of cupboards and onto the counter. Having a phone, medications and other necessities on a night stand or side table will keep you from having to get up and down. Having extra pillows and blankets already on your bed or couch can also keep you comfortable. If you have pets or children, you should make sure someone is available to care for them while you are recuperating.
On the day of your surgery, we ask that you wear no jewelry or make-up and avoid deodorant, skin lotions and perfume. We recommend warm, loose fitting clothing, such as pajamas or sweat pants with thick socks or slippers to prevent the chills commonly experienced after surgery. Please inform your surgeon if you have a cold, sore throat, active allergies or an open cut or sore on the day of your surgery.
Most of our patients spend two nights in the hospital after a body lift procedure. They are typically released to go home on the second post operative day after their surgeon assures that they are comfortable, mobile, and confident about going home. It is important to make arrangements in advance for someone to drive you home and provide watchful care during the first several days after surgery.
You’ll need help. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for at least the several nights following surgery. Effective planning prior to undergoing body lift can make your recovery as brief and relaxing as possible.
If you want to pursue a body lift in Colombia at Premium Care Plastic Surgery, or simply want more information on these transformational procedures, please call us at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 848 1909 in United States or schedule your consultation online.
Procedure & Recovery
- Abdominoplasty: A surgical procedure to correct the apron of excess skin hanging over your abdomen.
- Circumferential incision: A surgical incision around the body to remove the “belt” of excess skin and fat and additional incisions that may resemble a bikini bottom pattern.
- Circumferential thigh lift: A surgical procedure to correct sagging of the outer and mid-thigh.
- General anesthesia: Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.
- Hematoma: Blood pooling beneath the skin.
- Intravenous sedation: Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.
- Liposuction: Also called lipoplasty or suction lipectomy, this procedure vacuums out fat from beneath the skin’s surface to reduce fullness.
- Local anesthesia: A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.
- Lower body lift: Surgical procedure to correct sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, groin and outer thighs.
- Macerated skin: Excess skin that hangs and becomes wet or infected underneath.
- Medial thigh lift: A surgical procedure to correct sagging of the inner thigh.
- Sutures: Stitches used by surgeons to hold skin and tissue together.
- Tummy tuck: A surgical procedure to correct the apron of excess skin hanging over your abdomen.
When is the best time to consider having body contouring surgery?
Most patients have body lift after major weight loss. The weight loss process usually stabilizes at about one year, so we look for a fairly stable weight history for this duration of time. Due to the extensive amount of surgery entailed with body contouring after massive weight loss, a person needs to be strong and healthy to tolerate the physical stress of the post-operative recovery period.
Will insurance cover any of the body contouring surgery?
Yes, insurance may cover some of the surgery. Often a breast reduction will be covered by medical insurance when the patient has skin issues, or the presence of back or neck pain. Sometimes a tummy tuck will be covered if there is chronic skin breakdown underneath the overhanging skin. Most of these procedures, however, are considered cosmetic.
Can I have all of the procedures at the same time?
Sometimes. If you require just a few procedures such as a breast reduction or breast lift and a tummy tuck, then these two procedures can be done at the same time. However, many body contouring patients, after massive weight loss, request multiple surgical procedures. The amount of surgery and the time needed to complete the procedures may dictate that they need be done in two or three stages. At Premium Care Plastic Surgery, our surgeons work together on body contouring cases. Two or three surgeons operating with a specialized team makes surgery much more efficient. This decreases surgical time, discomfort, and complications after surgery, and improves results. This improved efficiency also makes it possible to perform multiple procedures during a short anesthetic time (less than 4 hours), allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of combination procedures without increased anesthetic risks associated with longer procedures. Our patients from Colombia and our international patients undergoing cosmetic surgery after major weight loss love this aspect of our service at Premium Care Plastic Surgery.
When can I resume normal activities like work?
It depends on what procedures are done. A tummy tuck or a body lift will require the longest recovery. Even so, you can drive a car, return to work or school and do most of your normal activities, other than exercise, usually by two to three weeks after surgery. Exercise can be resumed after six weeks. The breast reduction, medial thigh lift and arm lift require shorter recovery times. After those surgeries, you can drive, return to work or school and do most of your normal activities after one to two weeks, though exercise cannot be started until after six weeks.
Is there any way to avoid scarring?
No. A primary issue with body contouring after massive weight loss is the excessive amount of skin. This requires removal of skin to obtain a better shape and contour. Most of the incisions, however, will be covered by undergarments and most styles and cuts of clothing. Also, our Scar Management Program at Premium Care Plastic Surgery will give you the tools to optimize your scars.
Are there risks?
There are risks with any surgical procedure, and our plastic surgeons are intensely focused on minimizing potential complications. Possible risks of a body lift include delayed wound healing, bleeding, infection, seroma and venous blood clots. We take many precautions to minimize the risk of each of these complications. With diligent care, each of these complications may be treated and still result in a happy outcome from body lift surgery.
If you’re ready to meet with our surgeons at Premium Care Plastic Surgery, you can request a consultation online or contact us at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 848 1909 in United States. You will be amazed about how affordable cosmetic plastic surgery can be, and with an experience like no other.
Vocabulalry & FAQ's
- Abdominoplasty: A surgical procedure to correct the apron of excess skin hanging over your abdomen.
- Circumferential incision: A surgical incision around the body to remove the “belt” of excess skin and fat and additional incisions that may resemble a bikini bottom pattern.
- Circumferential thigh lift: A surgical procedure to correct sagging of the outer and mid-thigh.
- General anesthesia: Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.
- Hematoma: Blood pooling beneath the skin.
- Intravenous sedation: Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.
- Liposuction: Also called lipoplasty or suction lipectomy, this procedure vacuums out fat from beneath the skin’s surface to reduce fullness.
- Local anesthesia: A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.
- Lower body lift: Surgical procedure to correct sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, groin and outer thighs.
- Macerated skin: Excess skin that hangs and becomes wet or infected underneath.
- Medial thigh lift: A surgical procedure to correct sagging of the inner thigh.
- Sutures: Stitches used by surgeons to hold skin and tissue together.
- Tummy tuck: A surgical procedure to correct the apron of excess skin hanging over your abdomen.
When is the best time to consider having body contouring surgery?
Most patients have body lift after major weight loss. The weight loss process usually stabilizes at about one year, so we look for a fairly stable weight history for this duration of time. Due to the extensive amount of surgery entailed with body contouring after massive weight loss, a person needs to be strong and healthy to tolerate the physical stress of the post-operative recovery period.
Will insurance cover any of the body contouring surgery?
Yes, insurance may cover some of the surgery. Often a breast reduction will be covered by medical insurance when the patient has skin issues, or the presence of back or neck pain. Sometimes a tummy tuck will be covered if there is chronic skin breakdown underneath the overhanging skin. Most of these procedures, however, are considered cosmetic.
Can I have all of the procedures at the same time?
Sometimes. If you require just a few procedures such as a breast reduction or breast lift and a tummy tuck, then these two procedures can be done at the same time. However, many body contouring patients, after massive weight loss, request multiple surgical procedures. The amount of surgery and the time needed to complete the procedures may dictate that they be done in two or three stages. At Premium Care Plastic Surgery, our surgeons work together on body contouring cases. Two or three surgeons operating with a specialized team makes surgery much more efficient. This decreases surgical time, discomfort, and complications after surgery, and improves results. This improved efficiency also makes it possible to perform multiple procedures during a short anesthetic time (less than 4 hours), allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of combination procedures without increased anesthetic risks associated with longer procedures. Our patients from Colombia and our international patients undergoing cosmetic surgery after major weight loss love this aspect of our service at Premium Care Plastic Surgery.
When can I resume normal activities like work?
It depends on what procedures are done. A tummy tuck or a body lift will require the longest recovery. Even so, you can drive a car, return to work or school and do most of your normal activities, other than exercise, usually by two to three weeks after surgery. Exercise can be resumed after six weeks. The breast reduction, medial thigh lift and arm lift require shorter recovery times. After those surgeries, you can drive, return to work or school and do most of your normal activities after one to two weeks, though exercise cannot be started until after six weeks.
Is there any way to avoid scarring?
No. A primary issue with body contouring after massive weight loss is the excessive amount of skin. This requires removal of skin to obtain a better shape and contour. Most of the incisions, however, will be covered by undergarments and most styles and cuts of clothing. Also, our Scar Management Program at Premium Care Plastic Surgery will give you the tools to optimize your scars.
Are there risks?
There are risks with any surgical procedure, and our plastic surgeons are intensely focused on minimizing potential complications. Possible risks of a body lift include delayed wound healing, bleeding, infection, seroma and venous blood clots. We take many precautions to minimize the risk of each of these complications. With diligent care, each of these complications may be treated and still result in a happy outcome from body lift surgery.
If you’re ready to meet with our surgeons at Premium Care Plastic Surgery, you can request a consultation online or contact us at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 848 1909 in United States. You will be amazed about how affordable cosmetic plastic surgery can be, and with an experience like no other.